The Healing Power of Lavender Oil for Eczema Relief

lavender oil for eczema

How Does Lavender Oil Help With Eczema Relief?

Lavender is an essential oil derived from lavender plants. This herb is a botanical belonging to the mint family and has a long history as a health + beauty treatment. Lavender has many benefits for skin health. These include anti-inflammatory properties, aiding sleep + relaxation, and fighting bacteria. Sleep is super important for skin condition sufferers, as this is when our skin renews + repairs itself. The scent of lavender has been proven to lower heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. As eczema can be a stressful condition, lavender oil could have numerous benefits. Stress is related to flare-ups, so tackling it is vital to see an improvement in your skin.

Lavender has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an ideal treatment for eczema. Lavender can soothe painful itchy skin as it has a numbing effect. Lavender oil can be a great natural cleanser, whilst reducing redness and irritation. Lavender oil does an amazing job of balancing the skin's moisture barrier, so the skin doesn't become too dry or oily.

Different Ways to Use Lavender for Eczema Relief

There are several ways to use lavender for eczema relief. One way is to add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and apply it directly to the affected area. When lavender oil is combined with a barrier oil, their union creates a synergistic effect that enhances the benefits of both. Barrier oils act as carriers, helping to spread the properties of lavender oil across a larger surface area when applied topically. This ensures a more balanced and effective distribution of the soothing aroma and nourishing compounds found in lavender oil.
The combination of lavender oil with barrier oil also works wonders for skincare. The barrier oil forms a protective layer over the skin, preventing moisture loss and shielding it from external stressors. When blended with lavender oil, this barrier oil acts as a gentle carrier, facilitating the deeper penetration of lavender's therapeutic components into the skin. This nurtures and rejuvenates the complexion, promotes a radiant glow, and may even help relieve minor skin irritations.

Another way is to add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a warm bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. This is ideal for just before bedtime! Add bath salts for even further benefits. The oil combined with your chosen bath salts will detoxify the skin, purging harmful toxins. A lavender bath can also help relieve muscle tension and relieve headaches.

You can also use lavender-infused creams or lotions for daily moisturising and relief. Be sure to patch-test any new products before applying them to larger areas of the skin. Either use it all over for an indulgent treat or concentrate on your extra dry areas.

Other Ways to Use Lavender

  • Make a DIY moisturiser- Lavender oil is pretty strong stuff! You should be mixing just a couple of drops with a carrier oil. For more information on using essential oils, see our post- Essential Oils for Eczema. An ideal mix when using lavender oil is 2 drops to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. For extra benefits, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. This can be used as a daily moisturiser or body lotion.

  • Place a sprig of lavender in your drawers or next to your bed for a calming scent.

  • Make a Lavender Tea. Lavender teabags are available on Amazon. The tea is primarily designed as a sleep aid, which helps drinkers to unwind + relax. Lavender tea holds a wealth of health benefits derived from its natural compounds. One of its key components, linalool, has been found to have calming and sedative effects on the nervous system, helping to reduce tension and promote a sense of calm. This makes lavender tea an ideal choice for winding down after a long day or when seeking a moment of respite in the midst of a hectic schedule. You can also make your own lavender tea at home. Begin by steeping dried lavender flowers in hot water for about five minutes, allowing the fragrances to infuse the liquid.

  • Use a Diffuser- One of the easiest and most effective ways to experience the benefits of lavender is through diffusion. Using a diffuser, a simple device that disperses essential oils into the air, allows the aromatic molecules of lavender to be released, filling the room with its delightful scent. This gentle and continuous diffusion method ensures a consistent and long-lasting aroma throughout your space. Apart from its relaxation benefits, diffusing lavender oil also serves as a natural air freshener. The aromatic molecules of lavender work to neutralise unpleasant odors, leaving behind a fresh and inviting ambiance in your home or office. Whether you're hosting guests, practicing yoga, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, the gentle scent of lavender can create an atmosphere of serenity

  • Try Lavender Capsules- Lavender capsules are compact, easy-to-swallow supplements encapsulating the goodness of lavender oil. These capsules are created by extracting the essential oils from lavender flowers and encapsulating them in a convenient form. Packed with the calming compounds present in lavender, these capsules offer a convenient, on-the-go solution for stress management.

Other Natural Remedies for Eczema Relief

In addition to lavender, there are several other natural remedies that can provide relief for eczema. These include aloe vera, chamomile, calendula, and tea tree oil. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe and moisturize the skin. Chamomile and calendula have calming and healing properties, while tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s important to note that natural remedies may not work for everyone and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatments.


Whilst lavender oil is a relatively safe treatment, it can cause irritation for some. As you should when using any new product directly on your skin, conduct a patch test before use. Stop using the oil immediately if you notice any negative side effects. If you experience any serious discomfort or rashes, consult a doctor. Although more research into the effectiveness of lavender oil is needed, results for eczema sufferers look promising. Most research indicates that lavender is a good treatment for anxiety.


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