Juices + Smoothies for Psoriasis Relief

Smoothies for Psoriasis

While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are natural remedies that can help improve your symptoms. Juicing is one such remedy, as it can provide the body with essential nutrients and antioxidants that can help soothe the skin and improve overall health. In this guide, we'll explore the best juices and smoothies for psoriasis relief.

The Benefits of Juices + Smoothies for Psoriasis Relief

Juicing can be a powerful tool in managing psoriasis symptoms. By consuming fresh, nutrient-dense juices, you can provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to support healthy skin and reduce inflammation. Juicing can also help detoxify the body, which can be beneficial for those with psoriasis as toxins can exacerbate symptoms. Juicing can also improve overall health and boost the immune system, which can help prevent flare-ups.

Best Juices for Psoriasis Relief

When it comes to juicing for psoriasis relief, there are certain juices that are particularly beneficial. These include juices that are high in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Some of the best juices for psoriasis relief include carrot juice, beet juice, ginger juice, and green juice made with leafy greens like kale and spinach. It’s important to note that while juicing can be helpful for managing psoriasis symptoms, it should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your treatment plan.

The Ultimate Smoothie Recipe for Psoriasis


½ avocado

½ cucumber (go for a whole one unless you are adding apples and/or celery)

1 cup of spinach

Optional Extras:

Celery Sticks- as many as you like!

1-3 Green Apples depending on how large a juice you are making. One goes a long way in making this a much sweeter, palatable juice

1 Tablespoon of Lecithin Granules (we recommend G&G Pure Lecithin Granules)

Smoothie recipe Instructions:

1.       Juice half a cucumber and 1-2 cups of spinach

2.       Optional- Juice the apples- You can choose to not include them or just use one to keep calories and sugar content lower, although this does make the smoothie much thicker. If you choose to include them Golden Delicious apples are the best choice, sugar content-wise, but any apples will do.

3.       Optional- Juice the celery- Celery isn’t to everyone’s tastes so this ingredient is optional!

4.       Add the avocado. You can add half of your spinach at this point, as they don’t produce a great deal of juice. Juicing rather than blending the spinach produces a smoother consistency, but yields less of the product.

5.       Optional- Add a tablespoon of lecithin- We love G&G Pure Lecithin Granules

6.       Blend

7.       Add ice to taste and enjoy!

Why This is the Ultimate Psoriasis Support Smoothie

For psoriasis-friendly recipes, this smoothie cannot be nutritionally beaten!

Cucumbers are a great choice for those with skin conditions. They are major skin hydrator, with plenty of minerals for clearing out toxins. Rich in water, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, cucumbers can help keep our skin healthy and glowing.
One of the primary benefits of cucumber for our skin is its hydrating properties. The high water content in cucumbers helps to keep our skin moisturized, and can be especially useful during hot and dry weather. Additionally, cucumbers contain natural cooling agents that can soothe irritated and sunburned skin. Cucumbers also contain vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen is a protein molecule that gives our skin its elasticity and firmness. By consuming cucumbers or using cucumber-based skincare products, we can improve collagen production and maintain a youthful appearance.

Avocado is one of the top skin superfoods, and they are packed full of good fats. We recommend buying them pre-cut and frozen, which is a huge money and time saver. They are calorie-dense, which is worth keeping in mind if you are watching your weight, but monosaturated fats so the skin benefits are well worth the calories!

Apples are a great source of Vitamin C and quercetin, a crucial flavanol in fighting psoriasis’s worst symptoms, such as dry skin and itching. Apples are a great source of hydration, as they are mostly made up of water. Ensuring your skin is hydrated is key to maintaining its health and appearance. Eating apples is a convenient way to stay hydrated throughout the day. Apples contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce inflammation in the skin. This is especially beneficial for those with skin conditions like psoriasis,

Spinach is a nutrient-rich leafy green that offers numerous benefits for the skin. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, spinach has been long known for its health benefits and has now become a popular skincare ingredient. One of the significant skin benefits of spinach is its ability to improve the complexion. Spinach is loaded with vitamin C, which helps boost collagen production, keeping the skin firm and youthful. Spinach also contains vitamin K, which plays a crucial role in reducing dark circles and under-eye bags.

The Kardashians have made celery popular once again, with the family swearing by a daily juice. They may just be on to something, celery is great for getting rid of toxins. Celery also helps strengthen a weak liver, which you are more likely to have if you have psoriasis.

Lecithin is an essential fatty acid that helps hydrate, repair, and replenish skin cells. Lecithin also lowers cholesterol and boosts your immune system. By increasing the water content of the skin, lecithin promotes skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Lecithin also acts as a natural barrier for the skin, protecting it from environmental stressors like pollution and UV rays. It helps to strengthen the skin's natural protective barrier, which is essential for preventing water loss and maintaining healthy skin Add a tablespoon of granules to your smoothie or you can also add it to soups.

The best bit? Unlike most green juices this doesn’t taste disgusting! It is easy to drink and gives you that ‘clean healthy’ feeling. This green smoothie also makes the ideal Psoriasis Friendly Breakfast.

Tips for Incorporating Juicing into Your Psoriasis Treatment Plan

Juicing can be a great addition to your psoriasis treatment plan, but it's important to do it safely and effectively. Start by consulting with your doctor to ensure that juicing won't interfere with any medications or treatments you're currently undergoing. Then, choose juices that are high in anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing ingredients, like leafy greens, ginger, and turmeric. Experiment with different recipes and find what works best for you. And remember, juicing should never replace traditional medical treatments for psoriasis.

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