Can Drinking Water Help Reduce Eczema + Psoriasis Symptoms?

does drinking water help eczema

Water + General Good Health

Staying hydrated is vital for our health. Water is essential for our cells to transport nutrients around our bodies. Our body is made up of 60-80% water. Being dehydrated can lead to several unpleasant side effects.

Symptoms of dehydration:

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Excessive thirst

  • Bad breath

  • Food cravings, particularly salt + sugar

  • Muscular cramps

  • Constipation

  • Increased heart rate

If you experience these symptoms long-term, eventually, the body will stop displaying these dehydration markers, which can be dangerous. In extreme cases, long-term dehydration can lead to illness, injury or even death. This is very rare. In most cases, fluids can be replenished, even if dehydration is severe.

As soon as you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated, and you drink some fluids as quickly as possible.

We all know we should be aiming to have eight glasses a day, but we are all different, and there's no hard-and-fast rule. Like how some people can feel fine on 6 hours of sleep a night, while others need 8 hours to function, the optimal amount of water for each of us will be unique.

The best way to know your hydration level is to check your urine. Healthy urine is a very pale yellow, whereas orange/dark yellow indicates dehydration. Clear urine could mean you are over-hydrated.

How does water affect how our skin looks?

The appearance of our skin can be a direct reflection of our overall health. The skin is made up of 63% water. The skin's outer layer requires moisture to eliminate toxins. When the skin becomes dehydrated, it prevents this process, leading to various skin issues.

Being dehydrated can have effects on our skin such as:

  • Loss of elasticity

  • Rough, flaky and dry patches

  • Premature ageing

  • Discolouration

  • Redness/flushing

  • More susceptible to skin conditions

All skin issues where the primary cause is dehydration can be treated or improved by increasing your water intake.

Our skin loses elasticity as we age, making it harder for water to enter cells. This means hydration is more vital the older we get. When our bodies are low on water, the insufficient water supply left is sent to our vital organs. Collagen (the connective tissue of the skin) is one of the first mechanisms to stop receiving water when we are low. When collagen lacks hydration, it begins to crack and break down, resulting in wrinkles.

Does Drinking Water Help Eczema + Psoriasis?

Keeping hydrated is key to managing eczema or psoriasis. Maintaining good general health is crucial when dealing with a skin condition, and drinking enough water is a significant part of that. Below is a list of how drinking water can help with Eczema + Psoriasis:

  1. Hydrates Skin: Drinking enough water will keep your skin hydrated and supple, which can help reduce the appearance of eczema + psoriasis. If your skin lacks moisture, it can lead to cracks in the skin that may become infected.

  2. Improves Skin Barrier Function: When you drink plenty of water, it helps restore the skin's moisture barrier, which is essential for keeping bacteria and other irritants at bay. This can help protect the skin from further irritation and let your body heal.

  3. Reduces Inflammation: Water helps flush toxins from your system and encourages improved circulation as well as more efficient cell function. All these benefits have a calming effect on inflamed areas of skin caused by various medical conditions such as eczema + psoriasis.

  4. Flushes Out Toxins: Drinking plenty of water helps remove toxins—including environmental ones your body absorbs—and keeps them at bay by pushing them out through regular elimination processes such as sweat and urination. Removing toxins on a daily basis can reduce their build-up inside the body and its effects on the skin over a period of time as well.

  5. Enhances Healing Process: The antioxidants found in water are known to stimulate healing processes in cells like collagen production that encourage healthy tissue regeneration essential for wounds to heal properly without any scarring or discolouration left behind after healing is complete; this is especially helpful when it comes to managing conditions like eczema + psoriasis where flare-ups occur due to defects in the epidermis inflammation pathways.

  6. Aids Digestion: Drinking enough water is also vital for a healthy digestive system. As we know, eczema and psoriasis sufferers can be more susceptible to digestive issues. Visit our post 'The Leaky Gut Theory' for further information on this. Research shows there is a relationship between psoriasis and eczema + water intake. Although drinking water may not be a ‘cure’ for these skin conditions, staying hydrated definitely gives you a good foundation for optimal skin health.

  7. Promotes a Healthy Diet: Drinking sufficient amounts of water regularly not just flushes out bad germs but also plays an important role in filling you up with energy so that there is less room left for sugary snacks or fast food cravings promoting better overall health enabling greater effectiveness against conditions like eczema + psoriasis where stress or junk food consumption or both may be factors in triggering flare-ups

  8. Improve Moods & Mental Health: Staying hydrated keeps our brains active and alert helping us maintain positive moods and improving mental health overall thus providing more strength during challenging times as flare-ups have big impacts on mental well-being alongside physical symptoms.

Here are some tips to ensure you stay adequately hydrated:

  • You should be aiming for a minimum of 1.5-2 litres of water a day.

  • Keep a water bottle handy at all times. This serves as a helpful reminder and can encourage drinking water as a habit, so soon you will be sipping away without even realising it!

  • Spice up your water. If you don't like the taste of plain water, try adding fruit. You can also try squash, but ensure you choose one free of sugar, preservatives and artificial flavourings.

  • Avoid 'dry' foods- Certain foods such as crackers, bread, and crisps can leave you more susceptible to dehydration.

  • Try sipping herbal teas. Herbal teas are another source of fluid for those that aren't a fan of plain water. Herbal teas can also have many benefits for eczema and psoriasis sufferers; you can find out more in our other post- Herbal Teas for Eczema + Psoriasis.

  • Pay particular attention to your water intake if you are suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting or flu. These conditions can cause your fluid levels to drop, so keeping well-hydrated is critical in your recovery.

  • Sip water during mealtimes. This helps you pace your eating and has even been linked to weight loss.

  • For an extra boost of hydration, try coconut water. Coconut water contains electrolytes that replace the fluids we lose through sweating.

  • Avoid salty foods- Consuming too much sodium can be a direct cause of dehydration and cause the body to pull water from the cells. Ensure you drink extra water when eating salty foods to counteract this effect.

  • Choose foods that are water-dense such as melon, cucumbers and tomatoes.

  • Use hydrating skin + hair products. Psoriasis + eczema are both linked to having very dry skin. Applying a thick emollient once a day should be a key part of your skin condition management plan.

  • Avoid dehydrating environments- Central heating and air conditioning can strip the skin of its natural moisture.

  • Filter your water- British researchers have found that 'hard water' can damage the skin's barrier and cause irritation. Hard water contains high levels of magnesium ions and calcium, which raises the pH balance of the skin. The study found that people with eczema are much more sensitive to the effects of hard water. If you live in an affected area, invest in a filter for your shower and/or taps. You can also purchase Brita filters and other brands to ensure you have pure drinking water. Keep them topped up and in the fridge so you have constant access to clean, cold water.

  • Use bottled water- If you are unable to fit a filter for whatever reason (some landlords don't allow them), consider using bottled water. Some areas have a lower water filtration system than others. Depending on where you live, water from the tap can contain hormones, pesticides, pollutants, and chlorine levels. It may sound 'over the top' to use bottled water for drinking and washing, but it can be beneficial for those with skin conditions. Purchase in bulk from your local supermarket.


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