7-Day Psoriasis Diet Plan for Clearer Skin

7 day psoriasis diet plan meal

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, causing red, scaly patches. While there is no cure for psoriasis, a healthy diet can help manage symptoms and improve overall health. Follow this 7-day psoriasis diet plan to nourish your body and improve your skin.

Why It’s Important to Create a Psoriasis Diet Plan

If you have a skin condition, chances are something isn’t entirely right with your nutrition. Some foods can provide skin-friendly vitamins and minerals, which some psoriasis patients claim to improve their symptoms. On the other hand, certain food groups can cause a flare-up. The best way to avoid these, and ensure you include plenty of anti-inflammatories, and nutrient-rich foods, is to plan your meals ahead.

More and more psoriasis sufferers are looking for natural solutions, and believe nutrition is the key to healing. Skin improvements can be the ultimate motivator, and many psoriasis sufferers find it empowering to take control of their condition this way. Always consult your doctor if you are making any drastic dietary or lifestyle changes.

Focus on Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is a key factor in psoriasis, so it’s important to focus on anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, whilst avoiding food and drinks which can increase inflammation in the body.

Nuts such as almonds or walnuts provide an extra dose of healthy fat that helps you absorb important vitamins better while giving you a protein boost too. Both nuts & seeds contain zinc & copper which play an important role in keeping symptoms of psoriasis at bay - just reach out for a handful daily as part of your meal plan & snack away without guilt!

Ensure you get your Omega-3- Fish like lake trout or salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce the inflammation associated with psoriasis and eczema flare-ups by reducing tiny blood vessels that can cause irritation on the surface of your skin. Fish are also a great source of minerals + vitamins A + B.

Include plenty of:

  • Fruit

  • Vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Seeds- sunflower, chia, pumpkin, flaxseed

  • Turmeric

  • Ginger

  • Olive Oil- rich in Vitamin E + good fats

  • Omega-3 Rich Fish- tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout


  • Sugar- biscuits, cakes, and sweets

  • High saturated and trans fats food

  • Fizzy Drinks (even the ‘diet’ variety!)

  • Junk Food

  • Caffeine

  • Red Meat

  • Fried Foods- full of unsaturated fats

  • Processed Foods- contain additives

  • Refined Starch

  • White Pasta + Flour (bread)

  • Dairy- If an elimination diet concludes you have a sensitivity

  • Gluten- again, if you have a sensitivity. Some psoriasis sufferers find it beneficial to cut out rye, wheat, and barley.

Incorporate Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Aim to include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. These foods are also high in fibre, which can help promote healthy digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut. Purchase fresh, organic, and locally produced fruit and vegetables wherever you can. Although the classic line is ‘5 a day’, aim for 6 portions of vegetables, along with 2 portions of fruit. Try adding a side salad or roasted vegetables to your meals, or snack on fresh fruit throughout the day.

Choose Lean Proteins and Healthy Fats

In addition to fruits and vegetables, it’s important to include lean proteins and healthy fats in your psoriasis diet plan. Good sources of lean protein include chicken, turkey, fish, and plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu. These protein sources are easier to digest than red meats which can be inflammatory when consumed excessively. Look for organic sources to eliminate any unnecessary hormones used in commercial farming processes.

Healthy fats can be found in foods like nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, and fatty fish like salmon. Healthy fats such as olive oil or avocado can be anti-inflammatory when eaten in moderation thanks to their omega-6 fatty acid content - these will help with skin healing. Just stick to 2 tablespoons per day if possible for maximum effect - avoid saturated fats such as those found in processed goods if you want clear skin longer term! Try incorporating grilled chicken or fish into your meals, or adding nuts and seeds to your salads or snacks.

Avoid trigger foods like Processed Foods and Alcohol

While it’s important to include healthy foods in your psoriasis diet plan, it’s equally important to avoid trigger foods that can worsen your symptoms. Identify and eliminate allergens by trying our Elimination Diet.

Processed foods, sugary snacks, and alcohol are all common triggers for psoriasis. These foods can increase inflammation in the body and make your skin more prone to flare-ups. Instead, opt for whole, unprocessed foods and limit your alcohol intake to improve your skin health.

Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of developing psoriasis, especially in men. The reason behind this may be due to alcohol's ability to weaken the immune system, leading to heightened inflammation and skin cell growth. In addition, alcohol can interfere with the body's ability to absorb and process nutrients, such as vitamin D, which is essential for healthy skin. Without enough vitamin D, the skin's ability to fight infections and inflammation is compromised, leading to the development or worsening of psoriasis symptoms. For those already suffering from psoriasis, alcohol consumption can exacerbate the condition, leading to increased redness, itching, and scaling of the skin. Alcohol can also interfere with the effectiveness of psoriasis medications, making it more difficult to manage the condition.

Stay hydrated with Water and Herbal Teas

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and can also benefit those with psoriasis. Drinking plenty of water can help flush toxins out of the body and keep skin hydrated. Herbal teas, such as chamomile or green tea, can also provide hydration and have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce psoriasis symptoms. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine for optimal hydration.

Include Whole Grains

Whole grains are packed with fibre and essential vitamins and minerals helping keep your digestive system working optimally which is great for skin health. Unlike ‘white carbs’, these grains have a low-glycemic index, which means they won’t send your blood sugar (and inflammation levels) soaring.

These include:

  • Quinoa

  • Corn

  • Whole Grain Pasta

  • Whole Grain Bread

  • Farro

  • Brown Rice

  • Oats

The 7 Day Psoriasis Diet Plan: An Example

Below you’ll find a weekly outline for your food plan. Feel free to make amendments based on your personal tastes, but try to stick to the basic rules throughout. We purposefully haven’t included portion sizes. These will be determined by your weight, activity level, gender, age, etc. Always consult your doctor if you are unsure.

Day 1-

Breakfast- Smoothie- We love smoothies for breakfast. Convenient, packed full of vitamins, and low in calories for those watching their weight. Our Psoriasis Support Smoothie is ideal for skin condition sufferers. This tasty breakfast beverage contains spinach, cucumber, and avocado, with the option of adding celery and/or green apples.

Lunch- Stuffed Mushrooms- Mushrooms are full of antioxidants, selenium, and fibre. Find a mushroom of the larger variety and stuff it with cheese (if you aren’t sensitive to dairy), herbs, onion, and/or tomato. Add bread crumbs as a topping if desired. Sausage meat is also a delicious filler as an occasional treat. 

Dinner-Salmon- Salmon is a great choice for a skin condition warrior’s lunch. Eating salmon can help to reduce inflammation in the skin, which can cause redness, puffiness, and breakouts. The omega-3 fatty acids and the astaxanthin found in salmon are both powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Serve yours with a portion of steamed vegetables, salad, and/or wholemeal rice or quinoa. 

Snack (Optional)- A small portion of raisins. However, raisins are an excellent source of natural sugars such as glucose and fructose. These sugars help keep our skin hydrated and moisturised. Raisins are rich in antioxidants, which help protect our skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and dull skin. The antioxidants in raisins can help prevent premature aging and maintain youthful-looking skin.

Day 2-

Breakfast- Oatmeal– Oatmeal is packed with fibre, which has digestive benefits and helps us feel full. The anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal help to soothe dry and itchy skin. It is also packed with polysaccharides, which form a protective layer over the skin and help to lock in moisture. Oatmeal contains avenanthramides, which are natural anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds can help to reduce skin irritation and inflammation caused by eczema, rashes, and allergies. Eat with seeds and or fruit for additional health benefits.

Lunch- Sushi- Sushi is often made with antioxidant-rich ingredients like seaweed, cucumber, and avocado. These antioxidants protect the skin from cellular damage caused by environmental factors such as pollution and UV radiation. It can be eaten alone, or add seaweed or rice.

Dinner- Soup- Soup is a quick and easy dinner that is sure to keep you feeling full all evening. One of the most significant benefits of soup for the skin is its ability to improve hydration levels. Most soups are made with a base of water or broth, which makes them an excellent source of hydration. When your body is properly hydrated, your skin is also better able to retain moisture, leading to a more plump and youthful appearance.

Snack (Optional)- Celery sticks dipped in peanut butter. One benefit of eating celery is its anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to several skin problems, including acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Celery is also an excellent source of vitamin C. This nutrient is crucial for maintaining healthy skin because it plays a vital role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein that makes up the structure of your skin, giving it firmness and elasticity. A lack of vitamin C can lead to dry, dull, and damaged skin. Eating celery ensures that you get enough vitamin C in your diet, which can help improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

Day 3-

Breakfast- Pancakes- Try these gluten and dairy-free pancakes for an indulgent breakfast, which are a great choice for skin condition sufferers who have food intolerances. Mash up a banana and stir in 2 whisked eggs to create your pancake mixture. You can add flavourings, nut butter, or fruit to taste. Eggs don’t agree with all psoriasis sufferers, so ensure you don’t have a sensitivity before you try this recipe.

Lunch- Tuna- Tuna is a classic lunch staple. Selenium, a mineral found in tuna, is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect our skin from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can damage skin cells, leading to premature aging and other skin issues. Selenium also assists in maintaining skin elasticity and promoting a healthy glow. Eat alongside a salad or make a healthy sandwich with wholemeal bread

Dinner- Pasta- Wholemeal pasta provides a satisfying dinner. Wholemeal pasta contains important vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc, which play a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. Iron helps to transport oxygen to all the body's cells, including those in the skin, and zinc is essential for wound healing and collagen production. Add garlic, pesto, mushrooms, spinach, and/or onion.

Snack (Optional)- Carrots dipped in hummus. Carrots offer a high amount of beta-carotene, a nutrient that is converted into Vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that combats damaging free radicals and prevents premature aging. When eaten regularly, carrots can improve skin texture and complexion, leaving you with healthy and glowing skin.

Day 4-

Breakfast- Yogurt-  Go for low-sugar and organic. Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that have been shown to improve gut health. However, recent studies have also linked probiotics with improved skin health. By consuming probiotics-rich yogurt, you are introducing these beneficial bacteria into your gut, which can help balance your gut microbiome and improve your skin health. Limit your intake if you have dairy sensitivity.

Lunch- Rice Cakes-Rice cakes are a low-calorie option if you are looking for a lighter lunch. Eating rice cakes can help lower inflammation in the body. Inflammation can cause skin irritation and redness. Rice cakes contain complex carbohydrates that can help reduce inflammation, keeping your skin looking clear and healthy. Serve with almond butter or organic peanut butter.

Dinner- Tukey or chicken sausages- served with grilled vegetables. Turkey is a great source of vitamin B3 or niacin. Niacin helps to improve skin texture and tone, as well as reduce redness and inflammation. Add a wholemeal bread bun to create a healthier version of a hot dog.

Snack (Optional)- Apple. Apples are loaded with vitamin C which is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that gives our skin its elasticity. Eating apples can help maintain the elasticity of our skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and keep our skin smooth, firm, and glowing.

Day 5-

Breakfast- Granola- Make your own granola rather than store-bought as these can often have hidden sugar and preservatives. Granola is typically made with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, all of which are high in antioxidants. These nutrients help to neutralise free radicals, which can damage your skin cells and lead to premature aging. Use almond or peanut butter as your base and then add dry fruits, seeds, and/or nuts.

Lunch- Salad- A simple salad for lunch means you can make sure you get plenty of nutrients to keep you going for the rest of the day. Most of the ingredients in salad, such as lettuce, cucumber, and watermelon, have high water content, which keeps the skin hydrated and prevents dryness. This, in turn, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Add a protein such as prawns if you need something more filling.

Dinner- Grilled chicken- Chicken is a lean source of protein that contains glycine (which contributes to healthy skin) and good fats. The healthiest cooking method is grilling. This is a versatile dish with a number of side dish options such as grilled vegetables, salad, sweet potato, or brown rice.

Snack (Optional)- A small handful of nuts or seeds (see our article Seeds for Skin if you are looking for inspiration). Nuts like Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts contain an anti-inflammatory nutrient called selenium. Nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, contain high levels of antioxidants which help protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals. This damage can lead to premature aging, including wrinkles and fine lines. By consuming nuts, you’re helping to fight off those free radicals and keep your skin looking youthful and radiant.

Day 6-

Breakfast- Eggs- As long as you don’t have a sensitivity to eggs, they can make a great choice for a protein-packed breakfast. Eggs are a satisfying meal and full of Omega-3, which is beneficial for skin conditions. Eggs are also an excellent source of collagen, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity. Collagen is a protein that keeps skin cells together and gives your skin a plump, youthful appearance. Eggs are rich in sulfur, which is an essential mineral for healthy skin. It helps reduce inflammation and fights acne by regulating oil production on the skin.

Lunch- Avocado on Toast- Avocado is a good source of healthy fats which are beneficial for the skin. Avocado contains anti-inflammatory compounds such as oleic acid, which can help to reduce inflammation in the skin. Spread on wholemeal toast for a filling lunch.

Dinner- Beef- Although you shouldn’t eat red meat too often, most people don’t have any issues with including a portion or two a week within their meal plan. Go for the leanest possible cut and organic if possible. Eat with sweet potato and/or grilled vegetables.

Snack (Optional)- Raw vegetables dipped in almond butter. Raw vegetables are packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals that can cause skin damage and accelerate aging processes. Antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids found in raw veggies help protect skin cells from damage and support collagen production, which helps keep skin plump and elastic.

Day 7-

Breakfast- Fruit- A large fruit salad packed with vitamins makes a great choice for a weekend breakfast if you are likely to be indulging later in the day. Fruits are packed with antioxidants, which help to combat free radical damage caused by environmental stressors like UV rays and pollution.

Lunch- Prawns- Prawns are loaded with protein, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen is a protein found in the skin that maintains its elasticity and suppleness. Consuming prawns can help increase collagen production, thereby giving you healthy and glowing skin. Best served with salad.

Dinner- Chicken burgers- A weekend cheat meal doesn’t have to be too unhealthy! Go for grilled chicken, plenty of vegetables, and wholemeal bread buns. Chicken is an excellent source of Vitamin B3, which helps improve skin texture, and tone, and reduce skin redness and inflammation.

Snack (Optional)- Popcorn- ideal for a low-calorie weekend treat. Popcorn is a good source of zinc, so incorporating it into your diet can help improve your skin's overall health. Popcorn is also packed with antioxidants, which help protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.


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