Can Seeds be Beneficial for Eczema + Psoriasis?

chia seeds eczema psoriasis

Can adding seeds to your diet improve eczema + psoriasis?

Seeds are packed with fibre, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Seeds are crops at the start of their life, and therefore they have all the nutrients required to grow a healthy plant. This makes these tiny superfoods a great addition to any diet. Seeds are also a source of protein- a good alternative to those with a nut allergy, or for those following the Vegan Diet.

Seeds have a whole host of health benefits including:

  • Improve symptoms of PMS

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Improves cardiovascular health

  • Maintaining a healthy metabolism

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Can help with the symptoms of stress + anxiety

But do seeds have any benefits for eczema + psoriasis sufferers?

Given seeds contain a whole host of nutrients that are good for our skin, it is certainly possible you could see an effect on your psoriasis or eczema symptoms by making them an addition to your diet. You may want to experiment with an Elimination Diet first, as some individuals can have a sensitivity to certain foods such as seeds. Food allergies tend to be more prevalent in those with eczema.

Here are our top picks:

  • Watermelon Seeds- Another superfood, watermelon seeds have more protein than nut sources and are also a great source of magnesium, zinc, iron + vitamin B. Vitamin B promotes good skin health, as well as offering digestive health benefits. Watermelon seeds also contain healthy fats which fight inflammation- which is integral for eczema + psoriasis sufferers.

  • Sunflower Seeds- Sunflower seeds are packed full of the skin saviour vitamin- Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant which maintains the integrity and strength of cells. This is why it can improve the condition of both skin + hair. 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds will provide your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. Sunflower seeds are also a good source of magnesium. Magnesium can help alleviate the symptoms of stress, which is often associated with skin conditions.

  • Chia Seeds- Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which play a role in inflammation. Chia seeds are also packed with antioxidants which can help reduce scarring, gives skin a healthy glow, and combat signs of aging. Chia seeds can even be applied topically to the skin. Simply mix 2 tablespoons with coconut oil to create your own natural home remedy facemask.

  • Flax Seeds- Flax seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help reduce inflammation, which is absolutely key for tackling skin conditions. If you want to include flax seeds in your diet, it is recommended you break them down with a grinder first to get the full benefits. This is because flax seeds have an indigestible shell, which our bodies are unable to break down, and therefore their nutrients cannot be absorbed.

How to include seeds in your diet:

  • Try a seed bar- check the label as some types contain hidden sugars

  • Seed butter- available in many health food shops

  • Sprinkle over cereal, porridge, yoghurt, salad, or fruit

  • Blend it into a smoothie. See our Smoothies for Eczema or Smoothie for Psoriasis posts for inspiration

  • Grind your seeds into flour (pumpkin seeds work well for this)

  • Use as a topping for baked goods

  • Ground seeds can be combined with seasoning to make a meat rub


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